Originally Posted by smooth
well I hate to break this to you, aceventura, but the examples you cited were either truisms or tautologies.
they make sense because they are true because the statement makes them true by the logic within the sentence.
Such is the nature of truth.
clarity is supposed to be how closely one's communication approximates the reasoning, or vision, underlying his or her expressions.
Yes, and when Bush said what he meant we had people who said he lied. For example Bush asked for authority to use the military and he said that he would use the military if Sadam did not live up to the conditions set. Sadam failed to live up to the conditions, and Bush used the military to remove Sadam from power. Why did we have people in Congress saying they did not really think Bush would use military force? Please, if you ignore everything else, help me understand that one thing. Please.
when a president is making a case for war, given that's the quotes you're using for example here, then most people in a democratic country expect their leaders to explain why they are supposed to be going to war and [/ihow[/i] they are going to go to war...and more importantly for some, what happens after the war.
No war time President accurately predicted how a war would go. That is unrealistic and has no historic basis as an expected standard of Presidential performance or communication skill.