Unfortunately, historians and the general public will probably never get a full and accurate accounting of the Bush presidency.
The Presidential Records Act, enacted following the Nixon administration, requires the National Archive to catalog and retain White House records, which are officially owned by the public. That includes White House memos and other text-based records, photos, the president's daily calendar of activities, the Secret Service list of White House visitors and the White House's e-mail records.
Since Clinton, and even more so with Bush, a vast amount of the records have been in the form of e-mails....no surprise there, it is a reflection of the shift to technology in all segments of society.
However, soon after Bush entered office, the White House dismantled the Automated Records Management System that Clinton had implemented to archive e-mails and as a result, somewhere between 5 and 10 million e-mails have been deleted from White House servers.....many related to exchanges leading up to the invasion of Iraq, warrantless wiretaps of US citizens, the DOJ attorney firings, the outing of Valerie Plame....
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 12-02-2008 at 12:26 PM..