Originally Posted by smooth
what is your definition of 'clarity'?
your post approaches the same level of engagement with the meaning of words that the Bushisms quotes demonstrate...so he either doesn't care to communicate effectively or he wants to appear as though he doesn't. Assuming communicating effectively hinges on using meanings of words correctly and employing coherent logic, which I tend to believe.
When Bush said he would do whatever he could to protect our nation from terrorist attacks, we knew what that meant.
When Bush said you are with us or against us, we knew what that meant.
When Bush said we were going to stay the course during his re-election we knew what that meant.
However, we had people like Kerry who were for the war and against it. We have Democratic leaders wanting to treat the war like a criminal matter, whatever that means. We have people understood the Sadaam threat but later saying he was not really a threat. We have an enemy who declared war against us, but some people who say we can pick and choose when, where and how we engage in war. Bush's clarity was refreshing. I do, however, understand the way some focus on his mis-statements, ideally a President would never make a mistake, but they do. Focusing on things that are trivial while missing real messages can often be a problem.