Originally Posted by MSD
Advantage? I'm going to specifically ask for something big enough to set off metal detectors. I think a 4ga apadydoe should do it.
Depends on the machine and how sensitive they have it set...
I've a 0g apa which has only ever set off one machine.
The walkthrough machine went off first, off course... pulled to one side, it didn't even occur to me that it could be my piercings at first, i was wondering if i'd left keys or money in my pockets or something...
Then the hand-held detector goes off over my left nipple (4g). cue strange looks exchanged. So I lift up my jumper and let him see the offending article.
Then the hand-held goes off over my right nipple. same drill.
then, obviously, it goes off over my crotch - i have a scrotal ladder and a 0g apa - at which point he just looks at me, i give him a nod and smile, the waiting queue start giggling and he waved me through the checkpoint. Pretty funny.