Originally Posted by percy
I think the cop was too easy on her. Must say he showed more than enough patience.
The comment regarding a parent treating a child like this is a moot point. The police have a role, rules and regulations to abide by in dealing with people who do not co-operate. It is called resisting arrest and I hope this woman was charged with it.
It isn't a moot point because in either case, those
charged with the responsibility of policing the streets or bringing up their children are
allowed to do so as long as their methods are within reason.
Whether or not she resisted arrest or was uncooperative is indisputable as she is obviously guilty of both. The question is exactly where we should draw the line between subduing the resistant and unnecessary brutality.
If the cop was "too easy on her" then tell us exactly how far he should have gone? If macing, punching and hood slamming the face of a child doesn't press your buttons at all then where would you draw the line?
Maybe if her parents brought her up properly or at the very least, she turned her ears on instead of the "talk to the hand" attitude, we wouldn't be discussing it now.
I wonder if by randomly selecting a random two minute and forty five second interval from the last few days of your life, we could honestly and fairly make a definitive statement about you, your parents and the manner in which you were raised.
Some of you may be comfortable enough living in a world in which the police are allowed to define their responsibility of serving the public however they may choose but I'd prefer to err on the side of protecting the public from the police.