List of people pardoned or clemenced by a United States president - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Notable pardons or sentences commuted of the past five Presidents:
Jimmy Carter: G. Gordon Liddy (commuted); anybody who avoided the draft during the Vietnam War; Patty Hearst (commuted); Jefferson Davis
Ronald Regan: George Steinbrenner
George H.W. Bush: Caspar Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, Robert McFarlaine (all three were convicted on charges relating to the Iran Contra scandal)
Bill Clinton: Roger Clinton; Patty Hearst (pardon); Marc Rich (pardoned after becoming a fugitive)
George W. Bush: ?????
My first guess will be that of Scooter Libby, convicted of charges relating to the imfamous leaking of the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame to the media.
Feel free to add to the list of those who might be pardoned.