Maybe I'm a tall man, trapped in a short man's body. Can I have myself declared tall???? Or maybe my member should be declared larger, legally? That'd be great, but unfortunately, no matter how many declarations I have, and shoe lifters, and penis pumps, I was born this way and I'll probably die this way..... short and short, dang
I like eating p****y, but that don't make me a lesbian either. ( bad, bad joke )
Gender versus biology. Don't you mean gender roles? The roles we associate with the different sexes can change, but our biology, whether we are "really" a man/male or a woman/female does not change, regardless of surgery, or just wishes.
The main problem may be that we feel that we need to change our gender status to get some kind of social approval, or legal status. I think we need to fix the need for this approval, or legitimacy of gender status. You should be able to be a man/woman, who is gay, or a man/woman, who has had a "sex" change operation, without stigma, and without ignoring biology.
Can't we all just get along? (I've had too much caffeine, yet again)
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."