Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Of course it's not a "man" having a baby; it's a transgendered male having a baby. Technically speaking, it's a female reproducing. Gender-wise, he's a man.
This is about the difference between sex and gender.
The media can have its fun with it, but look at the heart of the issue.
He identifies himself as a man, so it's a man having the baby. The pregnancy and birthing will only be one part of having this child.
The child will know him as a man.
I am gonna disagree with you on this one. I can "identify" myself as anything I want to, doesn´t mean I am that. Like suburban white kids who think they are "ghetto niggas," they just arn't, no matter what they say.
I agree with ngdawg on this. When this first came out, the first thing in my mind was "its a chick who became a man" and then I saw the story, and it broke, and everyone seemed surprised. In the world of worthwhile news, it ranks right up there with "some people put mayonaise on thier french fries instead of ketchup."