Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Even if you criticize or attack policies, the way much of the left has reacted to Shrub is pathetic and for sure gave birth to a climate where the office of the Pres. is no longer respected. Just so happens that people in the far right are on the outside looking in now, its not out of the realm of possibility they are seeing fit to doll out a little bit of the "lefts" own medicine.
Again..I would say the birth of the the climate came during the Clinton presidency...from day one before any such attacks were warranted and far more vicious than anything Bush experienced.
-----Added 12/11/2008 at 09 : 19 : 36-----
But as you say...its more of the same
The difference is many voters, particularly swing voters, made it clear that they dont want more of the same....which is why, IMO, Republicans and their talking heads are "cutting off their nose to spite their face" (ie playing to their base) with the spurious attacks....a losing strategy if they want to appeal to those growing number of swing voters.
Think about it objectively.
Do you really believe Republicans/Conservatives will win back moderate centrist voters by taunts of socialism (when in fact they are programs/policies that will benefit many of those middle income swing voters) or "a Communist Jihadist seizing the White House in a democratic coup."