Originally Posted by Dexter Morgan
No, but that's part of what I was saying in the first post: what if it didn't involve dishonesty? Basically, what stops two people from looking at each other honestly and saying, "We want to sleep with other people for a change"?
Normally, it's jealousy.
But where does that jealousy come from? Is it territoriality? ("Another man's dick shouldn't be in there, that's mine.") Is it insecurity? ("He/she could be better at sex than me, and he/she will not want me anymore"). Is it because we think sex is somehow an integrated component of love, rather than JUST a physical activity that can be done regardless of emotional bond to a person?
I see what you're saying, I think. If my partner asked, right now I think I would become indignant. Why? Territoriality and jealousy? Absolutely they would be big components.
I don't believe sex IS a necessary component of love however. If your love allows it, and your partner agrees, swing away. Seriously, I don't judge someone else's love. If it works, it works. I've had plenty of emotionless sex. For me, it was fine at the time. Where I am at now, no thanks.
Elsewhere, there was a thread "What are the dangers of kissing?". About three responses down someone posted "Falling in love."
So while I don't think love & sex HAVE to be inextricably bound, it's just a risk I'm not willing to take.