Sexual Exclusivity: A Necessity or A Complication?
My responses in another thread led me to think that this could use its own thread. If it's been done before, my apologies.
I'd like to hear some philosophies and opinions on sexual exclusivity (in relationships, marriages, etc). I'm aware that it has its roots in promoting family and stability, but it has no doubt evolved into such a major component of relationships that a single indiscretion has been known to destroy otherwise solid partnerships.
What is it about the thought of your partner having sex with someone else that is truly upsetting? And say, for instance, it didn't involve lying - since many people claim that it's not just the sex, but the dishonesty that hurts them, would it hurt less or not at all if your partner were honest about it? What would you do if your significant other said, "Honey, I really feel like having sex with someone different tonight. I think we should look into it." Do you think the resultant jealousy is a hard-wired instinct, or passively taught? If it's taught, can it be un-learned?