Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Drider: This looks cool and might actually kill WoW for me. I'd like to say more, but first: what are your thoughts on the interview? What are your impressions on the game in general?
well in all honesty they just released the info on it so aint much i can tell so far. I've two friends that will be in the beta for sure so i get some cool info when it starts.
they wont have comp armor. they wont have the buffs that doc's had in SWG.. and the space combat will be more along x-wing vs. tie fighter..
they are trying to remember the three basics of SW.. its a space opera. Space battles, Jedi and light sabers. heh
the thought of a underlining story line running in the whole back ground of the game as it flows is kinda cool.. Unlike wow, where you go in and do an instance but you rely more on the wow site for background that story, this game will have it in there. What killed wow for me was the time I had to put in instances. You spent 4-6 hours raiding each time, just for a hand full of drops no one uses. My pally did kara for over 5 months and yet all the plate that would drop was healing gear. I just never had a good roll for the T4 items sigh. Fact we could never get passed Kara told me im wasting my time in this game. And anyone on Farstriders would tell you on horde, Domaorn rocked tanking he just was very unlucky getting gear.
Though my doubt is how they intend to work this out.. lets face it say they have 2 millions subscribers in around 6 months after start. How will every one be apart of this all? They are doing instances like wow.
Once again we get player houseing. Fact is SOE isnt apart of this. LA has learned their lesson from SWG. They are planning to listen to the community more. Lets face it, when its all said and done, we are the bosses. With out us, they kill the servers. In SWG, they saw something that wasn't working and made it worse.
We all jumped ship and went to wow... wow to me is the lazy man's game. and why its all appealing to all. Its cartoonish and easy to play. We will get a dynamic combat system again. Alot of us that play these type mmo's are tired of point and click and the game takes care of it for us. We want a challenge.
Unlike SWG, we get two factions. Republic and Sith.. But under it all its all about the force. Unlike the "modern" SW genere, we are in a time at its hight. No hideing in the background, no fear of being hunted down. We can walk in the daylight with sabers showing. (that is if you want to, heh)
We will get more options, like Sith force shields, and such. To the "modern" times its artifacts, to us it will be.. "Darth Bob, we just created this thing we'll call it a Sith popcorn suncrusher!!"
the fact we get to fly ships instead of just a "zone" mechanic will be nice.
Over all I like the fact they went back to basics, included stuff from other mmo's but are trying some new things.
But like SWG, I think we will yet again see an increase in P2P. SOE uped the standard price per month when they launched SWG.
Plus, lets face it to me the two "big" game companies out there is Bizzard and Bioware. Bioware just makes kick ass role playing games all the time. Blizzard just cashes in on remade ideas. D1,D2, now D3.. SC1, SC2 or the triligy of millions.. heh and WC in all its genere.
I think wow only worked out cuz everyone was fishing around for a game, and it took off. When JTLS came out for SWG, everyone including me fell, joystick play was usless. Made ACE in a few days and was like "yawn.. anything else to this expac?"
Right now I ended my two wow accounts, im waiting on D3 and this game to come out. Till then im catching up on all the sci-fi shows i missed heh Sigh, 4 years of it
But, with bio in the mix ill hold passing judement till i find out. As, for me and my council of jedi 6 here in louisiana. We will be going over thier "Sith Lore" with a fine tooth comb. We are all about SWs.. lol the 2nd day SW trivia pursuit came out we had it memorized or knew it before hand. Ive watched the classic SW movies at least 250 times each. Every weekend for as long as we can remember. To us, it never got old.