My dad is second generation American-born German and Polish. My mom is first generation American-born Polish and Russian. She is Jewish, my dad is a "recovered Catholic"( mom was disowned at first for her choice in partner). I married an Anglo/Hungarian Protestant and our kids came from a combo of me and a test tube(my daughter has been asked if she's part Asian or part Hispanic-she's neither.)
I call myself an agnostic Jew with Pagan leanings, my sister is devout Episcopalian and my son joined his dad's church.
I think, just like mixed breeds make the best pets, mixed blood can make the best person. It's hard to encapsulate yourself when you've got so many different things around you to ponder and take part in and you appreciate differences a lot more. Our backgrounds have made for some good dinner conversation.
A cousin of my husband's had married a black man. Her mother "disowned" her and would not allow the man into her home. One day, the woman's sister invited their mother over for a visit. Imagine her shock when she walked in and there, sitting in wait, was the outcast daughter, her husband and their 3 year old daughter.
The second sister announced she'd be out for a while, forcing everyone to get acquainted. Best thing ever-the mother grew to love her son-in-law and doted on her "mixed-blood" grandchildren. But what a shame that she had to be forced to do so because of her own narrowmindedness.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.