Originally Posted by ratbastid
otto, where you first went wrong here was when you mistook Drudge for news. Rich White Folks' National Enquirer, is what it is.
Did I get the names flipped on that report? Man, how'd that happen? So it's Obama who is replacing reporters from papers that endorse McCain with reporters from black publications? Not Obama the uniter?
Well, he does try to shut down any media source that opposes him. It makes sense.
If it were McCain that replaced reporters of opposing newspapers with representatives of "white" publications, Obama supporters would be screaming racism.
OH MAN... you're so correct, Drudge never reports anything factual...
(Monica Lewinsky).
Originally Posted by dc_dux
No, but someone here has a grudge, so he make a lame attempt to mimmic Drudge... by flipping the story and taking it one step further by bringing up race (shame on you, otto).
I know you are but what am I?
Face the facts dc, Obama himself has interjected race throughout this campaign where nothing racial has ever been said by McCain (shame on Obama). So I see how your manufactured outrage is convenient when it suits the cause of double standards. Let's also not forget Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright, I know most of you want to... but it is a big part of Obama's life. I think we're seeing a glimpse of what to expect from Obama as president. Just keep on swallowing the junkfood of Obama worship... all tasty Twinkies for the "useful idiots".
-----Added 2/11/2008 at 10 : 04 : 26-----
Originally Posted by filtherton
Didn't McCain cut Maureen Dowd's "straight talk express" wings a little while ago?
Yes.... but there wasn't an overt racial element to his decision.