There are connection fees and such that are the same each month that could be split if it is that important to you, but my feeling is that if is stuff isn't using any power or need any heat, than he shouldn't have to pay to have you use it. Cable and phone are a bit tricky, internet is split for the month he is there for two weeks, but nothing for the full month.
I was living in Phoenix, but went home during the summer. If my roommate had stayed in the apartment and had $200 electric bills from using he AC when they were normally $30, I would have a problem with it. (We always had 9 month leases and put our stuff in storage to get around that problem)
Come up with a yearly calendar an write down what you think would be fair amounts to pay each month and talk to him about it.
Last edited by ASU2003; 10-31-2008 at 03:40 PM..