My roommate works at a job that takes him out of town every summer. He pays his share of the rent while he's gone but does not pay utilities, as he's not there. In the past, when we had to get utilities hooked up while he was gone (we moved in while he was off working), he has paid his share of the hookup fee. Same with getting the cable hooked up this summer (we moved into a new house); he wasn't there but paid his part for the hookup fee.
Similarly, you shouldn't expect your roommate to pay for utilities if he's not there using them. He should pay for the six weeks he is there. This is going to require you doing some math to prorate the utilities for when he is there. It's not hard to do. Then issue him a bill for the utilities. Make sure to put it all in writing.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau