Originally Posted by mixedsubstance
...But why go through those strange steps to achieve that?
Because it works nicely for me. To each their own. The point of the thread is not to teach people how to put on a bra, but rather to discuss how each person does it, and to discuss why they chose their method. I explained my method, and why I loved it. I was not intending to push my ideas on anyone else. I am open to trying many methods of putting on bras and figuring out what works best for me. I have tried many methods mentioned by others in this thread. I enjoy the diversity of methods for this basic, every-day task.
What works for you, mixedsubstance?
How do you prefer to put on your bra?
What tricks have you learned to keep your "girls" happy?
You mentioned adjusting them one at a time after you put it on, but how and why?