Originally Posted by dc_dux
What I would love to see Obama do shortly after taking office is to go on Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. and say: "look, I know we disagree on many policy issues and I encourage you to focus on those policy differences with your callers and guests ....but will you work with me on toning down the rhetoric that breeds contempt and hatred and help me bring the country together as much as we can? Put these guys on the spot and see how they respond.
I like to see who ever gets elected do something like this but I don't see it happening. It doesn't fit in the "L, H & O" business model. The reason they stay employed is they tell a % of the public what they want to hear. In turn the have a standard audience they can count on which means they sell advertising. If they were to do what you're suggesting they'd lose a ton of their audience and a ton of money. It would be like asking Howard Stern to stop acting like a jackass. Acting like a jackass is where all his incomes comes from.