I'm a guy, and my method of choice is a condom.
I may be an exception, but I HATE birth control methods that involve physical or chemical alterations of the human body. My last GF tried the pill for a while, but she later developed side-effects that got worse with time. She wanted to use the pill because she wanted to be in direct contact with me, and not be separated by a latex barrier. And while the experience was definitely pleasurable, the fact she was ingesting a chemical that altered her body chemistry did worry me a bit. The increasing side-effects are what forced us to try something different, namely diaphragm and spermicide. I could have easily gone back to condoms, but she still wanted that direct contact with me.
If the next girlfriend is still of child bearing years, I'm hoping her preference will be condoms. I find them to be amongst the safest and most effective forms of birth control available with or without a prescription.
Why have you chosen your method(s) of birth control?
Did expense weigh in on your decision? No.
Does it work well with your lifestyle? Yes. No acrobatics are required to use it properly.
Did a physician recommend this method? No.
How long have you used this method? Since I started having sex.
Are you not in a committed relationship?
Are you afraid to commit because of some fear of family or commitment? Not really. I simply prefer to live a solitary life, which is why I haven't had too many girlfriends in my life.
Do you feel it is best to confuse your life by bringing a child into a relationship that may not continue? I didn't understand the question.
Are you using birth control for quality of life, health or financial reasons?
Is your income so low you do not feel you could provide a child with a healthy quality of life? Not at all. I can easily manage the expenses of a child.
Are you opposed to the idea of feeding a family with food stamps, WICK, or other government programs? No. A healthy, well fed child is more likely to contribute to society later in life instead of becoming a burden to society.
Would having a child interfere with your career or chosen lifestyle? No. I'd be more likely to bring the kid to work or on my travels!
Do you have mental or physical health issues that lead you to believe you would be an unfit parent? I don't believe so.
Are you (or your lover) on medications that require prescribed birth control? No.
Would you pass along a known genetic disorder if you were to reproduce? Possibly, although it's not life threatening and almost never interferes with my daily life. Basically, I have no central vision in one of my eyes, forcing me to see life from one eye only. So no 3D movies for me.
This affliction also limits my field of vision, which imposes load restrictions on the type of motor vehicles I can legally drive (2.5 tonnes instead of 5 tonnes).