Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Dlish - one doesn't need to be a nun or monk (cloistered religious), sister or brother (religious), priest or deacon (ordained religious) to take a vow of chastity. Their numbers are few, but there are women and men today who choose the life of consecrated virginity. And they are supposed to get most of the same benefits as their religious counterparts in the afterlife.
GG,over the weekend ive been thinking about what you said. obviously nuns, priests etc take vows for a reason and by keepin those vows, there is a reward at the end of the day.
this woman though, lets asume that she never abstained for any religious woman. would she be getting the same rewards as a priest or nun? i think not. i dont think she should get rewarded for something she did unintentionally.
its like me for example in ramadan. if i fasted a whole day, im expecting a reward (and not just a huge meal at the end of the day). say i had a co-worker who forgot his money at home, and couldnt buy lunch, so he didnt eat all day till he got home. do i expect that god will reward him for his fasting? its the intention in your action that should be rewarded not the mere act in my opinion.
sorry for the threadjack...its been spinning in my head for a few days.
and i thought that newton was gay too.