I answered by travelling back in time 1.5 years. we no longer use birth control and are ok to have children. It is yet to happen thou.
I am against my wife taking internal hormone pills. So I did and will always use Condom alone as a contraceptive.
Why have you chosen your method(s) of birth control? ans: Condoms and only Condoms
- Did expense weigh in on your decision? ans: No
- Does it work well with your lifestyle? ans: Yes
- Did a physician recommend this method? ans: No
- How long have you used this method? ans: 3 years
Are you in a committed relationship? ans: Yes
- Would your birth control choice change if you moved your relationship to another level? ans: No
- Did you choose your birth control method based on your level of sexual activity? ans: No
Are you not in a committed relationship? ans: No (for a moment i thought this is a redundant question. then I realized and appreciate the genericness)
- Are you afraid to commit because of some fear of family or commitment?
- Do you feel it is best to confuse your life by bringing a child into a relationship that may not continue?
Are you using birth control for quality of life, health or financial reasons? ans: No
- Is your income so low you do not feel you could provide a child with a healthy quality of life? ans: No
- Are you opposed to the idea of feeding a family with food stamps, WICK, or other government programs? ans: No
- Would having a child interfere with your career or chosen lifestyle? ans: No
- Do you have mental or physical health issues that lead you to believe you would be an unfit parent? ans: Fucked up attitude and loss of hope is considered as Mental health problem???
- Are you (or your lover) on medications that require prescribed birth control? ans: No
- Would you pass along a known genetic disorder if you were to reproduce? ans: Nothing I know of