Originally Posted by abaya
Not the general population, or what I think of my next-door neighbor, or who I have lunch with from work, etc. Those people's ideologies and philosophy are of little concern to me.
I don't hold friends t a higher standard of philosophy than the general population. I hold their trust and respect higher. One of my best friends in the world is voting for John McCain. I disagree with him, but it's his vote. I have another friend that's devout Muslim, and Islam does not have a good deal of respect for atheists. He saw past his own philosophies in our friendship because he values who I am. He could be right and I could burn forever, but that's not relevant to our friendship. He doesn't proselytize (as it'd be a big waste of time), but we do talk about religion and the nature of things. And we disagree, a lot. That doesn't damage our friendship, though. It strengthens it, actually. He's also a free market capitalist, and I'm a lot more socialist. We've had some knock down drag out debates. And we both have a blast. At the end we agree to disagree and the friendship is even stronger than it was before.
Originally Posted by abaya
and for the record, I won't see you in atheist heaven, because I'm not an atheist). 
Ah, but I just made up atheist heaven so I make the rules. Everybody gets in, even cynthetiq.