Mostly confident
Spoiling for a fight--drawn to confrontation
Always critical
Attempts to empathize
Longing for the outdoors
Used to being solitary (but not always liking it)
Looking for any reason to escape unpleasant tasks
Desire to be challenged, and to pass with flying colors
Insatiable curiosity about other people's decisions and thought processes
Longing for belief in something greater than myself
Intense and intentional--all or nothing
Extremely stressed by speaking my 2nd and 3rd languages (especially on the phone)
Anxious at gatherings of more than 2-3 people
Nervous around children
Addicted to the internet
Daily need for cuddling and laughter and in-depth discussion
I can take a nap anywhere, anytime
Crave falling asleep with a novel in my hands
Always look forward to being with my husband