Originally Posted by skizziks
Why can't we just either be "American" or "non-American."
Americans are really funny that way (no offense intended). You call people from other countries as 'Aliens' in documents. And you worry whether you are 'native american' or 'native born american'?
I always thought Native American refers to people whose ancestors lived in American Continent even before the Whites (or europeans) discovered and OCCUPIED the continent.
-----Added 6/10/2008 at 12 : 27 : 48-----
Originally Posted by Aladdin Sane
I've never met one who called himself a "Native American." an Indian professor from Michigan recently told me "we're 'Indians,' goddammit! Stop trying to impose your sensibilities on others, because we don't share them." He went on to say that "Native American is an invention of the ivory tower," and he "had not once heard tribal elders use the term."
I am completely SURPRISED. I thought the 'Indians' name was given by Colombus to the Native Americans. I evern vaguely remember that name was given becuase Colombus thought he discovered India when he actually landed in America.