Why aren't I a Native American?
This might look like I'm being a smart ass or stirring shit up just to stir shit up, but I am totally serious.
Just like Bruce Springsteen, I was born in the USA. Both my parents were born in the USA. My grandparents came over on the boat though. But my kid was born in the USA.
Why can't I (or at least my kid, third generation) call myself a Native American on those questionnaires? Is it a genetic thing? An ethnic thing?
If I'm not native American, what am I? I am apparently not ethinc, I don't have my own category, I'm "white." White isn't an ethnicity or race (no, it's not a race) or nationality, its a fucking color.
So either I should be native American, cause I was born here and all, or the question should read
American: yes no (circle the correct answer)