I learn by watching and copying most of the time, and it seems to work for me.
Me too. Not to pick oneee person and copy everyyyything they do though, just pick particular things you like about them (identify exactly how you want to word what they're doing so you know better how to emulate it, I need to do this anyway, makes it lots easier to not just forget about doing it.)
I like picking particular qualities of a person. I alwaysss think there's a way to better myself, and if I see someone that looks like they're doing something good, that I'd like to do also, I try to mimic them in similar situations. Also, mockery is the highest form of flattery.
I try to label what I'd like to be more like. For example, I always try to be more patient, because everyone patient I've seen has always been helpful, and I want to be helpful too.

I always want to be perfect (though no one is, except my dearest.

) And I especially want to be everything she wants, in every way. That's actually something else I picked up from someone else, wanting my life to be all about my dearest. I'm not sure that was exactly was the person was like, or had said, but feel free to take your creative liberties to see other values you'd like, even though it's not exactly what the person like.
You can also gain from seeing the bad things in people too. Seeing something you DON'T like in a person, and consciously doing the absolute opposite. Well, that's what I seem to do sometimes anyway. :d
Sorry, seems I'm long winded tonight, andddd babbling about something I don't know much about.

I've never been too good with teaching things, I hope you got something out of it, or at least understand what I'm trying to say?
And congratulations on the running!

I wish I would run sometime lol.