The EU isn't perfect, but nothing will be and it's a work in progress.
I've lived in 3 'foreign' EU states for more than a couple of months, and really... All I have to do is tell the government of that state where I live. [Poland was a NIGHTMARE, but everything about Poland was, to a greater or lesser degree. Sorry Poles!]
Sounds scary, freaky, till you think about how they scale the numbers of doctors, nurses, hospitals, as well as local authority spending with those numbers.
Hey! people need numbers to work stuff out! Who knew!?!
Re: Cancer. Send your prayers elsewhere, but don't let them know. Studies show that those who know people pray for them actually fair worse than controls.
Plus, I'm not even being watched over anymore. Not regularly anyway. I occasionally blackmail a doctor to screen my bloods and send me for an ultra-sound. (psychosomatic pains leading to paranoia)