Originally Posted by abaya
Women get tested for HPV at every annual exam--that's part of the reason we have the whole pap smear thing, regardless of whether we exhibit outward signs or not. Do men have something similar? Last I heard, the only evidence for HPV in men is when they break out. Otherwise, there is no way to tell if a man is carrying it. And yes, xerxes, you can most definitely get it while using protection. Any skin-to-skin contact in the genital area can transmit it. Basically, you'd need to have a condom that had a massive base that covered your entire genital area to be "protected" from it... but of course, those aren't really available.
Everything you wanted to know about HPV...
What is HPV? HPV FAQs - theHPVtest.com
Everything you wanted to know about HPV in men..
FAQs for Men - theHPVtest.com