Originally Posted by james t kirk
As to HPV - warts, as stated 80% of the population carries the virus. I don't know who said there is no test for men. If there is wart on your penis - that's HPV. Yes, you can still carry it with no outward signs - but this applies to both men and women.
Women get tested for HPV at every annual exam--that's part of the reason we have the whole pap smear thing, regardless of whether we exhibit outward signs or not. Do men have something similar? Last I heard, the only evidence for HPV in men is when they break out. Otherwise, there is no way to tell if a man is carrying it. And yes, xerxes, you can most definitely get it while using protection. Any skin-to-skin contact in the genital area can transmit it. Basically, you'd need to have a condom that had a massive base that covered your entire genital area to be "protected" from it... but of course, those aren't really available.