we know each other for 9 years, married for ~6years.
You atleast have intentions. For me I wish time just gets fast forwarded by an other 25 years!
How would you rate your own relationship on its 'sparkle' level?
Occasional Sparkles.
Doomed in boredom the rest of the time
I am very low, demoralized, demotivated, sick and crap
What do you do for your partner (and vice versa) that really makes you just love them more each day?
I try to get what ever is asked. Some times guess what she wants and get it (surprise)
I take her for shopping, parks, picnics, tour/travel
I always give company, always go with her to hospital/clinic
We watch moves
Last edited by curiousbear; 09-23-2008 at 01:49 PM..