Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
But relationships deepen, they don't get shinier or brighter. They deepen, in understanding and emotions. Bonds get harder to break because there's more attachment.
What he said. ^ ^ ^ ^
Although they don't get brighter, with some polishing here and there, they can still sparkle like crazy sometimes.
Just don't get complacent; don't take one another for granted. Make sure you make enough time for just the two of you, always.
What makes me love him more each day? What Cyn said. Depth of the bonds. What we've been through together. Finding a new facet to become intimate about. Creating rituals and remembering the last one. Feeling appreciated for the little things I do for him. Being surprised by him. The way he gazes into my eyes before he kisses me. The way he watches my face when he makes love to me. That he'll ask me if I want some when he goes to grab a snack in the kitchen. That he'll say, "Let's go get barbecue!", we hop in the car and then he'll ask what
I'm in the mood for.
My favorite quote from the man I love:
I only give back to you what you give to me. If you both adopt this philosophy of love, you can't lose.