Originally Posted by cliche
I was just disappointed that someone who chose to offer advice did so in such an unintelligent way. If you don't like something, just say so: "I don't like it" is an opinion. "I don't like the bit where <XXXX>" is a useful opinion. "Perhaps he could have tried <XXXX>" is constructive criticism. "Do it better" is the last resort of the incapable.
Yes, I am a member of the TFP staff, but I am also a photojournalist, and the statue of the naked lady holding a globe that sits on my bookshelf tells me I must have at one time anyway known my way around both cameras and storytelling. I would therefore submit that I am not, as you accuse Jazz of being, "incapable."
I agree with Jazz. Do it better.
The camerawork is sub-par, the audio is terrible (if you're going to be claiming to do a documentary, your talent would at minimum have a lavaliere mic instead of relying on the crappy on-camera mic to hopefully pick up sound), the cut-to-blacks you use to transition between standups are clearly the result of post-production editing since real cameras don't work that way, and the ending. . .the talent says the "monster" is "shooting rockets out of his eyes" or some such nonsense. The only horror movie of note that ever had a monster-animal capable of rocketry was Gamera, and you'll note that every Gamera film ever made is crucified for more than 2 hours each in Mystery Science Theater 3000, and you're complaining about a 5 sentence critique from Jazz?
My advice would be to click that film school link at the top of the linked page and sign up for a few classes. You clearly have a drive to tell stories, but as with any craft, your untrained first efforts are not going to land you a job at the Spielbergian level.
One does not experimentally whack a piece of marble with a hammer and expect everyone to proclaim him Michelangelo.