Originally Posted by demtriapage
My 6 y/o son said to my 3 y/o daughter, "If you are born, you will die. It is a circle. Mom, is someone being born right now?" The simplicity and beauty of his statement is what I keep coming back to when I start to get angry.
From the mouth of babes..../beautitful!!!
It is All part of the Circle of Life. Trying to add definitions or reason just clouds the mind and pushes us farther from the Truth. There is no reason to fear death, as it's just another part of life.
The day I realized that Death is nothing to fear was a very intense and beautiful part of my awareness & growth - that life is also death and there is no reason to fear either. Fear is wasted energy.
Most people live life in fear (for whatever dumb reasons they grab on to and obsess over) and tend to waste a hell of a lot of energy! Concentrate on "Being in the Now" and that one mantra/idea/ vibe will help you find more clarity. Faith in Life after Death is a real plus, too. It's the cherry on the cake!
Just sharing.