Its interesting to see who the citizens of the world would prefer as the next US president.
From a BBC poll today:
The BBC World Service survey found the most common view in all nations polled was that Obama -- who staged a euphoric European tour two months ago that included a speech to 200,000 fans in Berlin -- should win in November.
An average of 46 percent of all those questioned thought U.S. relations with the rest of the world would improve if Obama took office, compared to just 20 percent for McCain, the survey of 22,500 people found.
Global approval ratings for the United States are currently low -- a BBC World Service poll earlier this year found 49 percent of people surveyed had a negative view of U.S. influence, compared to 32 who viewed it positively.
Those most optimistic about an Obama presidency’s impact on U.S. external relations were people in America’s NATO allies -- Canada, France, Germany, Britain and Italy -- as well as Australia, Nigeria and Kenya, where Obama has family.
"Large numbers of people around the world clearly like what Barack Obama represents," said Doug Miller, chairman of GlobeScan which conducted the poll.
"Given how negative America’s international image is at present, it is quite striking that only one in five think a McCain presidency would improve on the Bush administrations relations with the world."
World wants Obama to be next U.S. president: poll
Not that it will have any influence on the election....or address your question about a potential conservative North America.