Originally Posted by jewels
I've tried three female gynecologists aInd found them to be a lot rougher during the exam and not even good at pretending to listen to any concerns.
I prefer a male touch and the ones I've been to listen and respond to the concerns I've had.
I'm not afraid. I'm never put to sleep or tied down. An assistant is required (insurance laws in the US) to be in the room. And I only go to doctors that have been recommended to me by friends.
I only had an assistant in the room during my first exam. You may have an assistant/nurse present IF you request it (in my experience), but generally I don't bother.
The female obgyns I've seen have been hyper-gentle with me, but maybe my experience is abnormal. I also prefer a male touch, though one male obgyn I visited was quite rough with me. I guess "I haven't been sexually active for two years" didn't alert him to the idea that the speculum would have a super-tight fit.