Originally Posted by Charlatan
Jorge... if he's quoting in Canadian dollars, it's just about on par with the US dollar.
And yes, we do pay for our Higher Education in Canada. It's just much more affordable (though less so these days than when I was in University). If that's socialism, sign me up (oh wait... I'm already a member). :P
Touche, USD is the new Pesos!
Yeah, I thought that Canada had free health care and education from all the debates we've had around here in the past. I guess they are more like us then.
I agree, the education at the price he quoted is very affordable (same price I paid) which is why I don't get the complaint. It's also very cheap in the US. I don't know what university he's going to but it can't be as bad the shitty state school I went to (UCLA), but hey, it was cheap. I couldn't afford a private school so I chose to go to a state school instead. That's what us poor folk do when we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps. We take what we can afford and do the best we can with it.