Well, now that I've had a chance to hole up in my hotel room and sleep for more than 5 minutes, and I have a transcript of her speech in front of me, I can say. .. Her speech still doesn't do anything for me. Not only was it full of vitriol (which is not surprising for a party who's attendees were wearing shirts saying "No BO - Biden Obama - Say No to Stinky Politics") (which struck me as being SO adult
) but it was also full of, to bastardize a phrase, lies, damn lies, and republicanisms. A friend to special needs children? Then why in the 06, 07, and 08 budgets did she cumulatively cut funding for special needs children by over 60%? Opposed to the bridge to nowhere? Then why did she in her campaign say she supported the bridge and wanted Alaska to hurry up and start the project so they could get federal money for it?
There are lots more, but others have already done the writing for me, and I'm too tired to write it out myself
Oh, but Otto. . . I'm not sure what you mean by style over substance, unless it's a commentary that Obama can, unlike our current president, string more than 7 words together without stumbling or inventing a new one. Obama's been discussing the issues. Economy, war, healthcare, etc. The republicans have been rather too busy bashing Obama to give us their views on such things.