I draw cartoons. My newest one, the one that caused all the trouble, looked like this:
My dear mother, the woman who has politely laughed and/or rolled her eyes at my cartoons, was finally pushed over the edge. While cartoons dealing with genocide, man-on-fish love, and children cutting out one another’s kidneys were acceptable, THIS one went too far.
The problem, of course, was that my mother had never heard of Bukkake. And so she looked it up on the internet.
You can imagine her surprise.
And now whenever she thinks of her darling son, she gets mental images that no amount of eye-bleach will burn away.
And while this was most unfortunate, it pales in comparison to what happened to my dad. He hadn’t heard of Bukkake either. And he was at work when he read my cartoon.
So Dad (a normally sensible and conservative man) asked one of his coworkers about it. In fact, he asked a woman who reports to him. She didn’t know what Bukkake was either. So he asked her to look it up on the internet.
You can imagine her surprise.
You can imagine his surprise.
You can imagine the conversation I had with my parents today.