Originally Posted by elsesomebody
I don't think she is interested in me, although we do flirt and I do at times get the feeling that she might be, but I'm sure I'm just reading more into it because that's what I want to see.
Why do you think she is not interested in you, and why do you flirt with her, or she with you?
If she is in earnest flirting with you, that has to stop. You should tell her that you are married to her sister and that flirting is not appropriate.
Now, on the other hand (more likely in my opinion and with no knowledge of what exactly the flirting entails) she could just be friendly to you and you are interpreting that as flirting. Many guys do this at times, and as you say yourself you could be seeing what you want to see instead of what's actually going on.
And finally with regards to your wife and not feeling "in love" with her at the moment, maybe you should ask yourself why you married her. What made you fall in love with her to begin with. Concentrate on that. Perhaps you need to go on dates more often. Real dates, not "hey there's nothing to do, want to rent "The Mummy" tonight?" And stop talking to her sister online. That only makes you fixate on how you aren't in love with your wife.