Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I know multimillionaires that are some of the most miserable fucks you'll ever meet. They hate their lives. I know one guy, though, that is also much wealthier than I (and I do pretty well) that is the happiest person I know because he realizes what's important. That's why he's home for dinner with his kids every night that he's not traveling and calls during dinner when he is.
Money only equates to sucess when you limit the terms to business only. If you expand the definition at all, you'll figure out very quickly how unimportant money is in a successful life.
Financial success would not be
True Success to me. I know a lot of people who are very financially successful but they are also frustrated at all the time and energy they put into gaining and keeping that success. I believe money could never make me truly happy. It may make me more comfortable, it certainly would buy some pleasurable things that I could not otherwise afford. Would it make me happy? Call me a romantic but ideally for me it would be a warm home, a well-bonded relationship with someone that I love with all my heart, health, feeling trust and security in my relationships. No amount of money can really buy that.