08-22-2008, 04:34 PM
#11 (permalink)
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I would, but I wouldn't be the first family member to do so. My grandparents, when they lived in Miami, had a habit of going out to walk on the beach as the hurricanes would come in, just before landfall when the storm was churning up huge waves. Once while they were out there, my oma spotted a group of young gentlemen bodysurfing in the heavy surf. She started going off about how irresponsible that was and where were the parents, etc etc. Grandpa had to cut her off and inform her, "Don't look now, Jean, but your oldest son is among them." Sure enough, there was my dad, having his fun. Admittedly, all of the young men were lifeguards who had just finished closing down the beach. Grandpa always did love that story. And noodle, looking at the pictures of the surf reminded me of it.  I'm not sure I'm as brave as my dad to actually go in there, but I would definitely walk on the beach.
That is a great story Snowy. Thanks for posting those pics Noodle, nice to really see what it is like in the storm.