A sand filter is a different animal, just wanted to make sure. Doesn't sound like it. If you had one you'd see an above ground (likely round) cement structure. It would look a lot like a pool, just full of sand.
The two part system could simply mean it has a tank and a drain field.
As for the ditches being near empty. I'd say that's a good sign. But depending on your soil type (and I'm not expert on soil) the ground could easily still be saturated. The ditch drains in at least one direction so the water has an easy exit. Once the ground is saturated with water it can take days (maybe longer) for the water level to return to normal. Think of it like this- if you had a sponge full of water and left it on the drain board next to your sink the drain board would dry quickly while the sponge might take days to dry.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo
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