There are very few things (sexually) that can cause me to blush... usually I'm just so excited that my friends are willing to talk about these things, that I don't even care what they are saying. And certainly, I have yet to hear any of them talk about something that I haven't already explored, so none of the topics are threatening to me in that manner. But who knows, maybe they aren't all telling the truth... but until I know more, I can't introduce them to TFP.
But there is one person in my social circle who "does more stuff" than I do (and she is the only person I have revealed my TFP membership to, in real life), and some of the things that she says can make me raise my eyebrows a bit... not so much because of the sexual side, but because of what the behavior is telling me about her pscyhologically. (E.g. things bordering on abuse and self-mutilation due to a rather poor self-image of herself and her body.)
Personally, I see that less as an "adventurous" thing and more as a psychologically-wounded thing, but maybe these things tend to run together at times, when it comes to sexual preferences/practices. I don't really know.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran