Originally Posted by neflyte
So, what I'm getting so far is use sheer determination to get me where I want to go (or a personal trainer if i have the money). In thinking about this all a little more, my issue might be that I come home from work each day mentally exhausted. Most days I don't even touch my computer after work (seeing as how I use one all day anyways). Perhaps if I find some way to get rid of the mental exhaustion, achieving some larger weight loss would be easier for me.
Don't go home from work. Pack a bag, have it in the car, and drive to the gym. I work ~60 hrs/wk on a computer and I empathize with your mental exhaustion. Once I get home, I don't want to do
anything. That's why I don't go home until I'm done with what I want to get done. It works even better if your gym is the opposite direction from home when you're leaving work. Once you're already on the road to the gym (and away from home), it's harder to give up on yourself and turn around. "Well, I'm already driving there, I might as well go.."