So, what I'm getting so far is use sheer determination to get me where I want to go (or a personal trainer if i have the money). In thinking about this all a little more, my issue might be that I come home from work each day mentally exhausted. Most days I don't even touch my computer after work (seeing as how I use one all day anyways). Perhaps if I find some way to get rid of the mental exhaustion, achieving some larger weight loss would be easier for me.
Adjusting my mindset is, of course, easier said than done. I've accepted my current weight and physical shape, so it's going to be rather challenging for me to change that perception. I'd almost need someone ridiculing me until I start hating myself, which would make me change. But that's a bit much, no?
Heh, if I only knew what i know now back in high school.
Rewarding myself with tangible things won't work for me. I'd just go out and buy it if I wanted it. I also don't have any local friends that are willing to help me with this. The only friend that would is 30 minutes away by car, and with gas prices being what they are, it's just not an option.
Thanks for all of the suggestions so far, though! I'll take whatever I can get...