Just assume that her ex has the biggest, fattest, most ridiculously awesome cock that was ever possessed by any male in the history of male-dom. Now assume that he knew how to use it, constantly giving her orgasm after earth-shattering orgasm until she'd lapse into sweaty unconsciousness. They'd fuck in ways that most people would only dream of for 16 hour stretches stopping only for bathroom breaks, food, and to wring out the sheets. Think about that for a good hour or so. Got it? Good. Now in case you haven't noticed already, she's with you. YOU, not him. She's decided that Captian Fantasticock really desn't have all that much going for him and figures that she's a lot happier with Rob Zero. Why? You'll never know, and I can guarantee she'll never tell you. All you can do is make it worth it for her. Read a book, go lift some weights, learn to appreciate fine wine or some shit. Find something you enjoy and get really good at it (the art of fucking might not be a bad place to start). Whatever builds up your confidence. Seriously, unless you're confident in both yourself and in her choice in you, your relationship won't amount to much. You'll just spend the rest of your time together sizing up every swingin' dick around her and trying to decide which one she's going to drop you for, wasting valuable time that you could be using towards actually being happy.
Good luck. Confidence is hard work but I think you can do it.