Originally Posted by jorgelito
Actually, there are a ton of fertile couples that adopt. No one ever said it was the sole responsibility of infertile couples to adopt. Hope that clarifies things.
Well, of course there are fertile couples who adopt. That's not what I am saying.
I am responding to comments which I find to be rather flippant. Those that purport that if you cannot conceive naturally you should adopt rather than pursue other means of conception. Even to go so far as to call it self-centered, a la Halifax.
When, to me, anyone who feels that way should be opting to adopt first, as well, regardless of their ability to procreate on their own. Maybe no one should have any babies at all until all the unwanted babies, and children, have homes of their own. Somehow, I don't think that idea would go over so well with lots of the fertile folks.
Besides, it's nobody else's damn business what people decide to do.