hahahaha When is it that everyone here became a "say it bluntly" douche? Always one to defend, I have to say this is getting silly. Yeah, he has some growing up to do, but Rob isn't denying that. And repeating it over and over again isn't helping.
Maybe it's just me but there is advice to give here.
Rob: Hey man. Yeah, you do need to grow up a bit but who doesn't; we are all growing up all the time. Right now, you're at that point where relationships become a more important part of your life; you are almost in the position to learn how to share your life. I know you care about this girl but there are two ways to go right now.
a) You leave her; you're young, this is complicated, you're uncomfortable, and sex isn't everything.
b) Stay with her.
If we are gonna go with b) then here are a couple of things I'd suggest.
1) Work on yourself dude. Life is crazy; a constant test. Since time doesn't stop there is no time like the present to make yourself a better you; not to suggest that you aren't a great guy, in fact I mean to infer the opposite. You obviously don't think highly of yourself, at least not enough confidence to think that your current girlfriend wouldn't cheat on you, or that you aren't good enough to do this. I know you probably say it out loud, "I am confident" or at least with a little more subtly, but it's more about believing it. Believe in yourself and that will make the world go round.
2) Start talking to her more; not endless, loop filled, cyclical conversations that 18 year old guys have with their 18 year old girlfriends. This is where the growing up thing comes in. Part of growing up isn't just acting the part (serious relationship, job, house, etc) it's about understanding the importance of those things. So step up as a man and talk more; communication is the most important part of a relationship; trust me.
3) Be yourself. Don't change yourself. Become yourself more. Don't listen to assholes, on here or elsewhere, that tell you that you need to become a different person; just build on the person you already are.
Either way you're a nice guy man, and obviously want to fix and build. Just do it. That's growing up; just doing it, instead of talking about it.
- Taylor
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.