Everybody has a past my friend. There's no escaping that. You either need to learn to accept that or most likely spend your life a paranoid lonely man.
I wouldn't put too much thought into who she's been with before and whether or not she's comparing you to them. She almost certainly is. The thing you need to remember is who she's dating now. There's a reason for that.
One piece of advice: Stay out of her e-mail, text messages, or anything else that's hers and not yours. Most people don't like privacy invasion no matter how close they are to the person invading. It's just bad news, and it's none of your business.
As long as you remain paranoid, possessive, and intrusive you won't be able to establish trust in this relationship. As long as you can't establish trust you won't be able to establish any kind of real connection either.
Just remember she's another person like you, not an item.
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager
"Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike