Transsexual men-to-women athlete questions...
This may seem crazy... but today while I was biking all the hell over Queens, we saw a tranny walking in heels up a hill (and she beat me). My mind wandered as I tried to distract myself from my screaming thighs, and I ended up at the following thought: Why aren't there transexual athletes? I specifically mean men-turned-women in this case. It's a multiple level question, really... one, isn't there anyone who's athletic AND wants to be a woman? Why is it that any transsexual I've encountered has only embraced the stereotypical feminine roles, and not enjoyed the full range of female life available to them?
This leads me to the next question... which might be a little frivolous, but hey, 'tis the season: Would it be fair to other female athletes? What about the Olympics? What if they were a male gymnast, and went through the operation and were now a female... should they be allowed to compete in the female gymnastics events? Is it fair? Because as much as I am all about equality, well... males have a genetic predisposition for greater strength and endurance. No, not ALL of them, but in general, that is true.
At the moment, I think it'd be okay for tranny females to compete in minor sporting events, but not in something professional like the NBA or the Olympics. Why? Well, the same reason I don't think it's right for athletes to use steroids... they have an unfair advantage. On the other hand, it's not their fault they used to be male, so not all sporting events should be closed to them, just those that are compensated for performance.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.